1.1 For this assignment, I was in Kingston and Walton and the night shot was taken outside my house, for the purpose of creating photos that emphasized the color red. 

2.1, 2.2   I used my Nikon D700 full frame camera, using a Nikon Ed lens of 28-200mm.

3.1, 3.2 I took 5 photos all emphasizing the color red. The first shot I took whilst in Kingston, the bus where heading away from me and man on his bike was coming towards me which just happened to be red. I had to be quick to get this photo, and used my cell phone. The other shots I took while walking along the river in Walton. And lastly the night shot, I looked out my window and saw a beautiful red sky, so had to take a photo.

4.1 I used my camera strap for this assignment so not to drop and damage my camera and made sure that I was not blocking passers by.

I was in Kingston and did not have my SLR camera with me. Being very observant of the color red task, I had to be very quick and used my Hauwie Psmart Camera.
Man on red bicycle riding towards me opposite 2 red busses in Kingston

ISO 250 1/400 sec. f/5.6 200 mm
This shot was taken walking along the Walton River. I thought it was cute, a little boy with a red jacket enjoying the ducks. 

ISO 800 1/500 sec. f/5.6 200 mm
A little boat with a red base passing a parked house boat

ISO 200 1/125 sec. f/16 200 mm
This photo was taken walking along the Walton River of a lady paddling along in her red kayak

ISO 1600 1/90 sec. f/16 200 mm

Looked out my front room window to find this beautiful red sky, so just had to grab this shot



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