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UNIT 4 - Digital Imaging and Printing

             1.1 Identify the characteristics of digital imaging and printing : I capture my images using my Nikon D700 full frame camera, which is stored on the 8GB Ultra Compact Flash SanDisk memory card 30MB/s. After I have captured photos, they are uploaded to my computer. I use a Sony card reader, with usb to upload the photos to my computer. I create specific files for each project I do. I then have sub-files for each week or  assignment, to keep everything organized and easy to find as this is crucial. Once all photos are uploaded and filed accordingly, then I can choose which photos to edit for a chosen purpose, such as putting on blog, social media or printing. To edit I use Adobe Lightroom Classic mainly, so high resolution is important as there are more pixels per inch (PPI) resulting in more pixel information and creating a high quality and sharper image. Images with lower resolution create fewer pixels (too large) and create poor qual...

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