UNIT 4 - Digital Imaging and Printing
1.1 Identify the characteristics of digital imaging and printing: I capture my images using my Nikon D700 full frame camera, which is stored on the 8GB Ultra Compact Flash SanDisk memory card 30MB/s. After I have captured photos, they are uploaded to my computer. I use a Sony card reader, with usb to upload the photos to my computer. I create specific files for each project I do. I then have sub-files for each week or assignment, to keep everything organized and easy to find as this is crucial.
Once all photos are uploaded and filed accordingly, then I can choose which photos to edit for a chosen purpose, such as putting on blog, social media or printing. To edit I use Adobe Lightroom Classic mainly, so high resolution is important as there are more pixels per inch (PPI) resulting in more pixel information and creating a high quality and sharper image. Images with lower resolution create fewer pixels (too large) and create poor quality images.
2.1 Produce digital images to achieve solutions to identified goals: I looked at different photographic labs such "DS Color Labs" but they did not seem to support mettalic prints, which is what I wanted for my photos. I then looked at "The Print Space" which supported mettalic prints. From my computer I uploaded the required photos, and chose A5 Prints which will be put in A4 frames for the College Exhibition. I ordered and they arrived in a timely manner.
2.2 Produce digital prints from digital imaging sources to achieve solutions to identified goals: The sample photos above I created using Adobe Lightroom Classic using the curvature tool to create photo art, which I chose to go into Exhibition for our Level 2 Photography class. We looked at different types of photographic paper including matt, glossy, pearl, metalic and found that metalic suited my photos for this purpose as it I think would make the colors stand out (pop)
2.3 Assess digital images and prints: I used "The Print Space" to have my photos printed. The images turned out quite well and quite comparable to the images shown on my blog.
3.1 Identify and use safe working practices: If I am going to sit on computer for long periods of time, the first thing is to make sure there is no clutter underneath my desk and keep the mouse as close to the keyboard as possible. Adopting good posture is very important, not just for work but for your overall health and wellbeing. Use a computer night screen if possible to protect eyes from the blue light coming from the lcd screen and take breaks to rest the eyes.
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